Shamrock Rosettes now manufactures and supplies re-usable, washable, repurposed, 100% cotton face coverings that can be branded with your organisation’s name or logo. These masks also feature a filter pocket and adjustable elastic ear loops.

Following the cancellation of virtually all summer agricultural and equestrian shows Europe-wide – and considering our skills and machinery – the manufacture and supply of face coverings represented an obvious avenue to explore during the pandemic.
Collaboration & Testing
A clothing vendor contact, with a surplus supply of cotton fabric that could be repurposed, provided us with an opportunity to collaborate on the venture.
We tested a number of mask types before arriving at a product that was compatible with our in-house manufacturing capabilities and that would meet our customers’ needs.
Adding Value
Meanwhile, the screen-printing capability of our fabric supplier allowed us to pitch a value-added point of differentiation from most other mask manufacturers, by offering our customers branded face coverings.
We are particularly delighted that we can offer a more environmentally-friendly alternative.
Placing an Order
To order your branded, repurposed, multi-pack, double barrier, 100% cotton face coverings, please contact us directly for a quote at info@shamrockrosettes.com or 01 867 1707. Minimum order is 50 pieces.
Homemade Mask Filters
The filter pocket allows you to add an extra layer of protection. Ideas for home-made filters include denim, high thread-count bed linen or paper towels. Coffee filters are no longer recommended because of their poor breathability and natural fabrics are preferable to synthetic because their ‘roughness’ means they trap more particles than the smooth synthetics.
Guide to Masks & Face Coverings
A useful guide to the types, prices and effectiveness of masks and face coverings is provided by Irish Times Consumer Affairs Correspondent Conor Pope along with healthcare professional Lynda Quigley.